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Abigail grew up in the cornfields of rural Illinois.  Forrest grew up on an Alaskan homestead, accessible only by dogsled.  We met at NYU, studying theatre.  Now we write plays and movies.  Generally, Abigail acts in them.  Sometimes, Forrest directs them.  (We also write books, but those take longer.)


This is how we write:  First, we talk about what we’re going to write – the general story, characters, setting, stuff like that.  Then Abigail makes a super detailed outline.  Then Forrest takes that outline and adds dialogue.  Then we go back over it together, because as the characters start to speak, they invariable mess with the original outline.  We make final tweaks together, then push it out of the nest.


Someone once said about one of our plays, “I like it ‘cause it’s funny, but it also, like, makes you think and [stuff].”  That was pretty much the nicest thing anyone could have said to us.  We try to create work that is witty, engaging, and light-hearted so that we can explore deeper human need and experience without it feeling like we’re hitting you in the face with a skillet.


Our stories, in whatever medium and beneath whatever glibness , speak to the wonder and integrity of our upbringing and the potential for adventure that never disappears.  Around every corner is a rebellious princess, a lovelorn poet, a hopelessly muddled philosopher, a knight, or an explorer.


They don’t always attain whatever object they’re questing for -- but there's always hope for tomorrow, and they do have one heck of a quest.

Other Stuff We Do

Forrest also takes production photos!  And Abigail is an actor.  Check out our other websites below:

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Forrest Leo and Abigail Sparrow

Can I Call You- Short Film

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